4:38 PM
NASA's Curiosity rover found that the Martian atmosphere doesn't have nearly the level of methane that had been thought, decreasing the chance that Mars has life now:
The NSA pays AT&T, Verizon and Sprint several hundred million dollars a year for access to 81% of all international phone calls into the US. Consumers pay the large telecom companies for their communication services and the NSA pays the large telecom companies ~$300 mil/year to find out who we talk with, how long, and when and where the communications occurred:
The FAA is meeting this week to finalize their decision that could allow airline passengers to use their tablets and e-readers even on takeoff and landing. Since I flew to DC again today and have traveled to DC 3 times in 4 weeks, this type of rule change is of great interest to me:
I forgot to include this yesterday--BlackBerry reached an initial deal with a group led by one of their biggest investors to have that group buy BlackBerry for $4.7 bil and take the company private. The deal allows for BlackBerry to try to find other bidders that will pay more...which would benefit BlackBerry's investment group since they own a sizable portion of BlackBerry:
Android users have been waiting for Plants vs. Zombies 2 for years and have been wondering why it has been exclusively on iOS for the past few months. The reason for the Android delay has been revealed--EA says that Apple paid EA a "truckload of money" to make Plants vs. Zombies 2 an exclusive on iOS for a period of time:
The NSA pays AT&T, Verizon and Sprint several hundred million dollars a year for access to 81% of all international phone calls into the US. Consumers pay the large telecom companies for their communication services and the NSA pays the large telecom companies ~$300 mil/year to find out who we talk with, how long, and when and where the communications occurred:
The FAA is meeting this week to finalize their decision that could allow airline passengers to use their tablets and e-readers even on takeoff and landing. Since I flew to DC again today and have traveled to DC 3 times in 4 weeks, this type of rule change is of great interest to me:
I forgot to include this yesterday--BlackBerry reached an initial deal with a group led by one of their biggest investors to have that group buy BlackBerry for $4.7 bil and take the company private. The deal allows for BlackBerry to try to find other bidders that will pay more...which would benefit BlackBerry's investment group since they own a sizable portion of BlackBerry:
Android users have been waiting for Plants vs. Zombies 2 for years and have been wondering why it has been exclusively on iOS for the past few months. The reason for the Android delay has been revealed--EA says that Apple paid EA a "truckload of money" to make Plants vs. Zombies 2 an exclusive on iOS for a period of time: