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LOTD for September 18

Google is launching a startup that will focus on defeating the aging process and associated diseases.  Calico's CEO will be the former Chairman and CEO of Genentech who also used to be the Chairman of Apple.  Trials will start with Google employees...considering the huge quality of life and life extension techniques they will be trying, this could be a huge retention incentive...

Aubrey de Grey, one of the biogerontologists that has been working on the war against aging for the past 20 years, welcomes Google (and its money!) to the war against aging:

HIV/AIDS vaccine candidate appears to have the ability to completely clear an AIDS-causing virus from the body:

Tesla is planning to produce a car that can run on "auto-pilot" within the next 3 years.  The car will be able to handle 90% of the driving, but a fully autonomous car will take longer to develop:

Google is adding offline video features to its YouTube mobile app.  YouTube will reportedly allow users to save clips to their smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices for up to 48 hours, so they will be available for viewing without an internet connection:

AT&T is looking to sell its cell phone towers for $5 bil, then leasing its use from whoever buys the towers:

Zimbabwe man discovered in the morning that he slept all night with a massive 8-foot-long (330 pound) crocodile hiding under his bed.  The man even sat at the edge of the bed in the morning with his legs just centimeters away from the crocodile...the crocodile wasn't discovered until he was eating breakfast and the housemaid started screaming when she was cleaning his room:
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