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LOTD for September 16

Bill Gates said that Google providing internet access in Africa won't save the lives of kids, but it turns out that cellphones are important to accurately track and model the spread and occurrence of diseases.  If existing models are improved just 1% via cell phone data, that would prevent the deaths of 69,000 children under age 5 every year:

NASA and its international partners have to decide by next year if they will crash the space station into the South Pacific in 2020 or pay $24 bil to keep it going 8 more years (crashing it into the ocean in 2028).  This article makes the case that an inflatable space station should be built instead of paying the $24 bil to extend the life of the current space station:

Interest in buying BlackBerry seems limited and the bidders are reportedly only interested in buying parts of the company instead of the whole company:

Massive molasses spill (233,000 gallons!) off Sand Island in Honolulu has apparently killed *everything* living in the ocean there...not a single living thing is underwater, thousands of fish, crabs, eels, etc. are all dead and covering the bottom of the ocean:
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