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LOTD for August 9

Typhoon Morakot caused Taiwan's worst flooding in 50 years and is now hitting China's east coach, forcing 1 million people to be evacuated:

Moths actually jam the sonar for bats in order to escape those predators, the first example of any prey that jams a biological sonar:

Reading about this 11-year-old boy's death made me extremely sad...and I really don't understand how his mother and dog survived for days after she says her son died. Who goes on an "overnight camping trip" to Death Valley without any maps or compass while purposely going off road into deserted areas with extreme heat and no cell phone coverage?

Apparently a politically motivated cyber attack against a single blogger in the former Soviet republic of Georgia resulted in Twitter completely shuting down for hours and Facebook going down for some time around the world:

Cute story and video about how a 13-year-old girl wrote a letter addressed to "Any Soldier" to express her support for the troops as they prepared to invade Iraq in Desert Storm and how the 19-year-old soldier who got that letter became pen pals with her. They lost touch for almost two decades, but found each other via Facebook...and they were married last month:

Despite the large number of unemployed in the US, there are over 100,000 unfilled nursing jobs...with one estimate of over 200,000 unfilled nursing jobs when jobs in retirement homes are taken into account. This article examines whether or not the US needs to get more Visas for nurses from overseas, or if improved training and pay for nurses would result in Americans being able to fill those jobs:

Study found that people who build sandcastles and dig in the sand at the beach are at a greater risk of developing stomach illnesses and diarrhea than people who only walk on the beach or swim in the water. People are buried in sand have a far greater chance of becoming ill:

Interesting exchange traded product--people can chose one product if they think that the housing market will go up and the other product if they want to bet that the housing market will go down:
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